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Chris Pratt arremete contra Instagram por la discapacidad auditiva

Al actor siempre lo hemos visto involucrado con causas nobles.
Al actor siempre lo hemos visto involucrado con causas nobles. | Fuente: Instagram: prattprattpratt

El actor que da vida a Star Lord en Guardianes de la Galaxia, hizo un pedido a través de un vídeo por Instagram.

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Extraordinario mensaje dejó el actor Chris Pratt a través de su cuenta de Instagram, ya que como toda celebridad se sumó a los vídeos que los acercan a los fans. Debido a esto, el actor se disculpó con aquellas personas que no tienen la capacidad auditiva y que salvo manejen su mismo idioma no saben de lo que está hablando.

"He sido increíblemente insensible con todas las personas que dependen de los subtítulos. Quiero disculparme. Por mi vida ha pasado gente con discapacidad auditiva y lo último que quiero en el mundo es ofenderlos u ofender a cualquiera que sufre de pérdida de audición u otra discapacidad", es lo que expresó el actor en el lenguaje de gestos.

Por otra parte él señaló que no lo hace por publicidad o por caer bien en la gente, ya que ningún representante le pide que haga eso. Él maneja su cuenta personal, por ello promueve desde ahora la campaña, para que cada vídeo de esta red social tenga subtítulos.

“¿Por qué Instagram no tiene una especie de tecnología que añada automáticamente subtítulos a los videos? ¿O al menos como opción? Les he dado dinero con mis videos y fotos. Esencialmente me estoy compartiendo gratuitamente. Sé que ellos se benefician, así que ¡Manos a la obra Instagram! Pon subtítulos a la aplicación #CCinstaNow", expresó.

Instagram does this thing where it mutes all the videos it shows and forces you to turn on the volume in order to hear them. (maybe because most people are watching those videos at work when they should be working and don't want to get caught. I know that's when I do it. 😬) So when I made a video recently with subtitles, and requested that people turn up the volume and not just "read the subtitles" it was so people wouldn't scroll past the video on mute, thus watching and digesting the information in the video. HOWEVER, I realize now doing so was incredibly insensitive to the many folks out there who depend on subtitles. More than 38 million Americans live with some sort of hearing disability. So I want to apologize. I have people in my life who are hearing-impaired, and the last thing in the world I would want to do is offend them or anybody who suffers from hearing loss or any other disability. So truly from the bottom of my heart I apologize. Thanks for pointing this out to me. In the future I'll try to be a little less ignorant about it. Now... I know some of you are going to say, "Hey! Chris only apologized because his publicist made him!" Well. That is not the case. As always I control my social media. Nobody else. And I am doing this because I'm actually really sorry. Apologies are powerful. I don't dole them out Willy-Nilly. This is one of those moments where I screwed up and here's me begging your pardon. I hope you accept my apology. And on that note. Why doesn't Instagram have some kind of technology to automatically add subtitles to its videos? Or at least the option. I did a little exploring and it seems lacking in that area. Shouldn't there be an option for closed captioning or something? I've made them lord knows how much money with my videos and pictures. Essentially sharing myself for free. I know they profit. So... GET ON IT INSTAGRAM!!! Put closed captioning on your app. #CCinstaNow

Una publicación compartida de chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) el


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