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Muere la esposa del vocalista de Korn, Jonathan Davis

Jonathan y Deven Davis son padres de dos hijos.
Jonathan y Deven Davis son padres de dos hijos. | Fuente: Instagram

La noticia de la muerte de Deven Davis, de 39 años, llega luego de una orden de restricción por violencia familiar y drogas que le impedía ver a sus hijos, según TMZ. Deven y Jonathan se separaron en octubre del 2016.

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La esposa de Jonathan Davis, vocalista y líder de la banda estadounidense de nu metal Korn, murió este viernes 17 de agosto a los 39 años. Así lo informó el portal especializado TMZ, que además informó que su deceso coincide con una orden de restricción que le impedía ver a sus hijos.

Deven y Jonathan Davis se separaron, en octubre del 2016, citando diferencias irreconciliables. En agosto de este año, el cantante presentó una orden de restricción en contra de su esposa por violencia doméstica y problemas con las drogas, de acuerdo con el medio.

Hoy por la mañana, un juez emitió una orden temporal que impedía a Deven la custodia o visita a sus niños, además de prohibirle el contacto con el perro de la familia, Chaos.

Según Jonathan Davis, ella venía luchando durante más de 20 años contra su adicción a las drogas. Él agregó que sus fallidos intentos venían causando un serio daño emocional a sus hijos, ya que su dependencia era cada vez más incontrolable.

Jonathan y Deven Davis se casaron en el 2004.
Jonathan y Deven Davis se casaron en el 2004. | Fuente: Instagram

“Está constantemente bajo la influencia del óxido nitroso, cocaína y Norco”, manifestó el músico ante la corte, de acuerdo con TMZ. Incluso, apuntó que “traía rutinariamente a personajes desagradables, extraños, algunos fanáticos de mi música al azar a los que les permite entrar a la casa, entrar al armario de mi dormitorio y tocar mi ropa”.

Hasta el momento, se desconocen las causas de la muerte de Deven Davis. Según el el documento presentado por Jonathan a la corte, su marido señaló que ella se había ausentado desde el viernes pasado.

Deven Davis es original de Findlay, Ohio. A los 18 años se cambió el apellido de Schuette a Davis, antes de conocer a su esposo Jonathan Davis en uno de sus conciertos. Hasta el momento de su matrimonio, en el 2004, ella era una conocida figura de la industria pornográfica.

Little bit early today but I just have found this gem in my phone and I was like: Oh Gosh! I looooove this picture of them! So sweet. Love love love love all is see is love! These two are the best of the best. I love their love. So strong and so real! Because real live never dies. They're real people who create real family! They deserve the world and much more. Deven is the most wonderful and supportive mother and wife I've ever seen in my entire life and I adore her with all of my heart. Jon and boys are really lucky to have such an amazing mother and wife like Deven. She loves her family and we all can see that. #DevenThePuma! And just look at Jon's face. He's so happy! Deven makes him happy. I love these two people with all of my heart and I have nothing but love and respect and support to them. #RealFamily #RealLoveNeverDies 🐙🙏🏼🐙 @officialdevendavis I love you and your family so much and I hope you all are doing good and you have a wonderful day gorgeous. I just wanted to remind you how amazing person and soul you're. I love everything about you. You're the kindest and the most magnificent lady I've ever seen in my entire life and I adore you sweetheart because you're such an amazing mother and wife. Also you're the most noble-minded and down-to-earth person I've ever seen. Please never forget about it how awesome you're and how beautiful inside and outside you're. You mean the world to me and I'd die for you. You're my the best big sister ever and i just wanted to tell you no-one ever was so kind for me. Just you. Thank you for being your amazing self Deven and thank you for everything what you've done and what you do for me. Stay awesome and please remeber that you're amazing and I always have your back and I will always be here for you beautiful. Have a wonderful day gorgeous and please give a big hug to your little big boyz. I love each of you. Sending love and hugs your way! God bless you and yours! #DevenDavisIsTheMostIncredibleWomomanAndILoveHerSoMuch #SisterhoodIsPower #Sisters4Life #AllInTheFamily #FamilyOverEverything #GiveMoreThanYouTake #JonathanDavis

Una publicación compartida de Deven Davis Fan Page (@devendavis_rocks) el

Deven is the most beautiful and amazing person inside and outside on Earth! She's the most DOWN-TO-EARTH, REAL, LOVELY, THE NICEST, THE KINDEST, MAGNIFICENT, ADORABLE, GOLDEN HEARTED, SUPPORTIVE, GENEROUS lady and THE BEST MOTHER AND WIFE I've ever seen in my entire life and I adore her inner beauty. But also she doesn't need any makeup or Photoshop because she's real stunning beauty. She's the queen of natural beauty. No doubts about that she's the most amazing person and soul on Earth. This is the best picture ever! So cute! Two the cutest and the most beautiful Easter bunnies I've ever seen in my entire life and I love them both with all of my heart and soul. They're real angels and their love is so strong and so real and for sure is eternal. #DevenAndJonathanDavisAreRelationshipGoals ❤HAPPY EASTER @officialdevendavis and @officialjonathandavis ❤ @officialdevendavis anything that is beautiful people want to break and you're beautiful sweetie I want to tell you that I love you so much my sweet and beautiful sister and I hope you know that I'm always here for you and I always have your back and I respect you and your awesome family. You're amazing and never forget about it. I have to say that you're the most beautiful bunny I've ever seen in my entire life. I love this picture and I love you my big gorgeus octopus sister. You're an angel. A gem. A blessing from God. And you're the best mom in the whole universe and your #DavisBoyz are the most handsome and amazing and talented and the most incredible young gentelmen on Earth. Just like you and Jon. Your family is the most beautiful and wonderful and #RealKornFans see that. We all love and support you. #IBeliveYou I just want you to know that I always support YOU and I love you. You're my sister, my family and I love you so much. Thank you for being your amazing self Deven. YOU'RE AMAZING AND NEVER FORGET ABOUT HOW WONDERFUL PERSON YOU'RE. I love you Deven with all of my heart and soul. God bless you and yours. Hope you have a wonderful day with your awesome family. 👭🏼❤🙏🏼😘😘😘😘 #NoHateJustLoveAndRespect #TogetherWeAreStronger #SisterPower #DevenDavisIsTheMostIncredibleWomanAndILoveHerSoMuch #NoDramaLama

Una publicación compartida de Deven Davis Fan Page (@devendavis_rocks) el

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