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“No te avergüences”: el valiente mensaje de una australiana tras dar a luz

"Estoy agradecida de que mi cuerpo sea capaz de transportar y dar a luz bebés de forma natural", manifiesta Elise. | Fuente: Elise Grossman | Instagram

“Celebremos los cuerpos post parto en toda su gloria. El cuerpo femenino es increíble y estoy muy orgullosa de lo que ha conseguido el mío”, dice esta madre de tres niñas.

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"¡Hablemos del cuerpo del postparto!". Este es el mensaje que publicó en Instagram Elise Grossman. Para esta australiana, madre de tres hijos, el cambio físico tras el embarazo no debe ser motivo de verguenza.

“Estoy más que orgullosa de lo que este cuerpo ha dado y sacralizado. Estoy agradecida de que mi cuerpo sea capaz de transportar y dar a luz bebés de forma natural. NO estoy avergonzada de mis (muchas) nuevas rayas y mi cuerpo posparto. ¡Y tampoco tú! Celebremos los cuerpos posparto, en toda su gloria. ¡El cuerpo femenino es increíble y estoy muy orgulloso de lo que el mío ha hecho!”.

Las imágenes que compartió en su cuenta de Instagram, tomadas por la casa fotográfica Belle Verdiglione Photography, tienen más de más de 2500 Me Gusta. “Colgué la foto porque esperaba que alguien me hubiese dicho qué podría pasarle a mi cuerpo y mi mente de forma realista. Quiero que otras madres que también estén en mis zapatos sepan que no están solas.

"Que lo que sea que pase en su viaje después de dar a luz, está bien, es normal y debería ser alabado. ¡Lo hice por mí, por ti y por ella!. Celebremos los cuerpos post parto en toda su gloria. El cuerpo femenino es increíble y estoy muy orgullosa de lo que ha conseguido el mío”, comentó Grossman.


Willa Fleur's birth story part 1/4 I was laying in bed awake after Peyton had crawled into our bed at 3am. Just moments after she drifted back to sleep and I felt that very first contraction, I knew today was the day! They started at 5 minutes apart, they were uncomfortable but not painful. I really should have tried to get a little more rest, but I was so elated, there was no way I could sleep now! I laid in bed for an hour or so just timing contractions before having to go to the toilet where I had my bloody show. So I finished packing my bags, took a nice long hot shower and rang the birthing centre to let them know I was in labour. I messaged my mum, Sage's mum, my photographer Belle and my student midwife Erin to also let them know I was in labour. I woke Sage just after 5am. "It's baby day!" I said. "Are you sure? How do you know?" He asked. "Ummm cause I've done this twice before!!" Not long after Belle arrived bright and early. Contractions were closer to 3 minutes apart by now. The kids both woke around 5.30am, Xander played trains and Peyton was super excited to meet the new baby, but they were probably more excited to go for a drive in Nan's car! Contractions slowed back down to 5 minutes apart, Belle explained to me that it was pretty normal for them to space out again when the kids were around. Sage's mum arrived around 7am and by 7.30am contractions were back to 3 minutes apart and lasting for a minute. 7.40am I had more show. So I finished getting organised, did my makeup and ate some breakfast. For the next hour contractions were 3 mins apart and knowing we had a 40 minute drive to the birthing centre, we decided to head in around 8.30am. We arrived just after 9am and the bath was already being filled as per my request. I settled into my room and the midwife on shift gave me an internal. I was 4cm dilated, and to be honest I felt a little disheartened to hear that number. She gave me a stretch and sweep and got me up and about. I laboured around the room, walking back and forth, on the fit ball and soaked up the beautiful essential oils diffusing in the room. My mum arrived soon after along with my midwife Kerryl.

Una publicación compartida de Formerly eliseraquel (@raisingyoungloves) el

Let's talk postpartum bodies! I asked @belleverdiglionephotography to take this photo, just hours after giving birth to Willa, in my rawest and most vulnerable state. I was in pain and I was overcome by a flood of emotions. Elated to have welcomed our beautiful girl and so empowered and proud of what my body and I had just done! It's a strange feeling to look down and still see a bump, even though you're holding your baby in your arms, even after doing it three times. It's not easy to go home with a baby and still have to wear maternity clothes. With my first I was adamant I would just "bounce back". Everyone would say "you're young, you'll loose the baby weight in no time!" But you know what, I didn't, I never have in fact. With each baby I've gained a few more kilos and a few more stretch marks. I used to feel the need to cover up in this newborn stage, I didn't want to see my body in this state, so why would anyone else? It's taken me three babies, but I've finally realised this postpartum body isn't something to hide! I am beyond proud for what this body has given and sacralised. I am thankful that my body is able to carry and birth babies naturally. I am NOT ashamed of my (many) new stripes and my postpartum body. And neither should you! Let's celebrate postpartum bodies, in all their glory. The female body is incredible and I am so proud of what mine has done!

Una publicación compartida de Formerly eliseraquel (@raisingyoungloves) el


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