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Facebook: perro perdido se reencuentra con sus dueños después de dos años

Emotivo reencuentro.
Emotivo reencuentro. | Fuente: Facebook: Stephanie Burke Sparks

El emotivo reencuentro fue capturado en video y compartido en Facebook.

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Tras dos años de búsqueda, una familia del condado Paulding, en Georgia, logró reunirse con su amado perro “Bear”. El emotivo reencuentro fue compartido en Facebook.

“Mis perros son como mis hijos, ¡Dios mío! Fue simplemente increíble”, dijo Kelly Thomas a Fox 5, medio de Atlanta, cuyo perro “Bear” se perdió después de un accidente automovilìstico  en julio del 2013.

Kelly y su marido buscaron en el área, llamaron a refugios de animales de la zona, pusieron volantes, pero a pesar de sus esfuerzos, no pudieron encontrar Bear.

En octubre del 2014, un equipo de rescate de perros, Stephanie Sparks y Kera Bagwell, encontraron a un perro callejero vagando alrededor de un patio de basura muy cerca de la escena del accidente.

"No podíamos conseguir que se acercara a nosotros, pero sabíamos que quería comer, estaba muy delgado, por lo que todos los días pasábamos por allí a dejarle algo de comida", dijo Stephanie.

Stephanie y Kera pasaron más de un año alimentando al perro para ganar su confianza. "No imaginamos que esto se iba a convertir en un trabajo de 13 meses”, dijo Kera.

Las rescatistas lograron llevar al perro a un veterinario que descubrió que tenía un microchip. Gracias a este aparato, el veterinario ubicó a los propietarios de Bear.

El emotivo reencuentro fue capturado en video y compartido en Facebook, con una Kelly evidentemente sorprendida y agradecida de volver a reencontrarse con su perro.

El video fue colgado en Facebook y tiene más de 42 mil visitas.


Bear Comes Alive Again

To use this video in a commercial, player or broadcasts, please email licensing@storyful.comSo please forgive that this 2 minute video is wonky. I was crying and in shock when I took it. A better one should follow. Everyone meet BEAR!! That is Cornbreads real name. Today the first thing me and Kera Kechter Bagwell did was take him to the vet. After his bath we had him scanned... He was chipped!! While we had kind of always thought he was this was still a shock. See when we first started working on him we actually made up a story about him. We were not far off. He had a blue bandana on when he originally showed up at the junkyard and so one guess we had is that he was lost from the groomer. Then we thought maybe a car wreck. Well turns out he was leaving the groomer when his owner was in a wreck. He bolted because he had always been skittish and after a 12 hour search, flyers for months and FB page set up to find him and visiting shelters close by they felt defeated but really hadn't lost hope. They worried... A lot; they beat themselves up... A lot. This is why when you see a dog you may not know just what happened. Don't be too quick to pass blame. Luckily not only was Bear neutered, he was chipped! So even though he went missing July of 2013 he was found Nov 2015. Almost three years! So today is a bittersweet day for us. I fell in love with him and secretly I planned on keeping him(just don't tell the husband) but look at what takes place today. It's total worth watching my shoddy skills. Forgive me I was crying. I'll post a better video later when Billy gets home. Still this just happened! Something to be thankful for this week of Thanksgiving and a real Christmas miracle. Emotions are raw, we were invested but we always said what a dream it would be if he were chipped and he had owners who loved him and have been searching. Turns out our dream for Cornbread/Bear came true and this couple had a prayer answered. Now, tell me again why haven't you chipped your dog? By the way this family had rescued him from an abusive life before. He had been tethered with a embedded collar and tail broken, starved in a yard. They totally deserve to have Bear home. I was totally worth the hours, days and months and even the year to see this scared and timid dog come to life right before our eyes. For those who thought we were crazy...Don't you wish you were this crazy??? Share the video...to educate on chipping your dogs...... Please CHIP your dogs!! Enjoy! Leigh Hodes Lisa Chiarelli Rémedy's Mum Jaimie Phillips Bill Bagwell Billy Sparks Eldad Hagar - Extended Profile. Eldad Hagar

Posted by Stephanie Burke Sparks on lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015


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