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Fallece streamer “Ohlana” a los 26 años: nueva víctima de la depresión en videojuegos

La streamer era muy fanática del videojuego Counter Strike.
La streamer era muy fanática del videojuego Counter Strike. | Fuente: Twitter

La jugadora de Counter Strike: Global Offensive publicaba constantemente estados que eran vinculados con la depresión.

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Lannia “Ohlana”, streamer de Twitch conocida en la comunidad de Counter Strike, falleció el pasado 6 de julio a los 26 años. Reportes indican que se trataría de un suicidio.

Hace unas horas los familiares de la víctima confirmaron esta noticia a través de sus redes sociales. Las causas no han sido especificadas.

“Hombre, cada día se vuelve más difícil. La gente deprimida batalla por alcanzar con miedo a los más cercanos a ellos para que aparezcan policías y los confinen con fuerza contra su voluntad. Entonces están atrapados sintiéndose solos con sus pensamientos oscuros porque no quieren estar atrapados donde se sienten peor”, escribió la joven el 5 de julio y en su posterior y último mensaje mencionó que “no es culpa de nadie”.

Los familiares están realizando una colecta para cubrir los gastos de su funeral, el cual se llevará a cabo en Canadá. Sus últimas palabras fueron dedicadas a ella a través de Instagram. 

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

**Link in Bio** Friends and family of Lana, this fundraiser is set up to help Lana’s family with the funeral costs after the loss of our friend. As funeral expenses are so high, our community would love to help out the family in any way we can. All of us offer our condolences to the family during such a difficult time. This fundraiser is set up by the family themselves. The money will go towards her memorial service, held in Victoria BC, to her vault, casket, and her burial. Any additional funds will go towards the education of her nephews for whom she deeply cared and loved: Hiep, Huy, and Landon. Lana, you were a great friend and a wonderful person. Those of us who knew you personally and had the joy to share so many good memories will miss you dearly. You were beautiful, funny, caring, smart, honest, and a most wonderful friend. You loved traveling and eating good food. Many people remember the great times you shared with your community on your trips to Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and many more places. We remember chatting you with at the early hours of the morning, talking about our own problems, our events, our sadness, and our joyful memories. You kept us entertained and you made everybody feel like they had a friend even if for many it was only online. You built a community from the ground up and brought people together. For many, some of these friendships you created have changed their lives and they will be forever grateful to you. You kept us company during our own tough times and you made our lives better. You shared your great advice with us whether it be relationship advice, financial advice, or simple life advice. We will always remember your hobbies and interest in cryptocurrencies and the success that you predicted. You fought through many difficulties in life with a very strong attitude and we were always there as your friends whenever you had to confide any problems to us. We will miss the tears, the laughs, the smiles, and all the wonderful memories that we shared. Times were tough and we hope your pain is finally over. You will always be in our mind and we love you from the bottom of our hearts. Rest in peace.

Una publicación compartida de Lannie🇨🇦 (@ohlana.tv) el

Solo hace unos días, el streamer de World of Warcraft, Byron ‘Reckful’ Bernstein, falleció este jueves a los 31 años de edad por causas relacionadas.

Que en paz descanse

Si sospechas que alguien que conoce sufre depresión o corre peligro de cometer suicidio, puedes llamar a las siguientes líneas de preveción:

  • El Teléfono de la Esperanza: 01 273 8026
  • La voz amiga: 0800 4 1212 (línea gratuita) / 436 1212 (Atención las 24 horas)
  • Sentido: 01 498 2711

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