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Entérate quiénes son los nominados a los premios Razzies


Los Premios Razzie se entregarán el próximo 1 de marzo, un día antes de la ceremonia del Oscar.

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Desde hace 34 años los Premios Golden Raspberry (Mora de Oro), mejor conocidos como Razzies o “anti-Oscar”, reconocen a lo peor del sétimo arte, un día antes de los Premios de la Academia.

Este año, El Llanero Solitario con Johnny Depp y Son como niños 2 con Adam Sandler son las más nominadas, cada una con nueve candidaturas, entre ellas a Peor Película, según la lista entregada el sábado pasado.

Listado de nominados a los Razzies:

Peor película

47 Ronin
A Madea Christmas
After Earth
Grown Ups 2
Grudge Match
Inappropriate Comedy
Movie 43
Runner Runner
Scary Movie 5
The Big Wedding
The Host
The Lone Ranger

Peor actriz

Tyler Perry - A Madea Christmas
Noomi Rapace - Dead Man Down And Passion
Selena Gomez - Getaway
Lindsay Lohan - Inappropriate Comedy And The Canyons
Naomi Watts - Movie 43 And Diana
Halle Berry - Movie 43 And The Call
Jennifer Lopez - Parker
Gemma Arterton - Runner Runner And Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters
Jurnee Smollett-Bell - Temptation
Michelle Pfeifer - The Family
Saoirse Ronan - The Host
Jennifer Hudson - Winnie Mandella

Peor actriz secundaria

Salma Hayek - Grown Ups 2
Winona Ryder - Homefront
Kate Bosworth - Homefront And Movie 43
Lady Gaga - Machete Kills
Sofia Vergara - Machete Kills And Escape From Planet Earth
Kate Winslet - Movie 43
Lindsay Lohan - Scary Movie 5
Kim Kardashian - Temptation
Katherine Heigl - The Big Wedding
Diane Keaton - The Big Wedding
Susan Sarandon - The Big Wedding
Abigail Breslin - The Call
Helena Bonham Carter - The Lone Ranger
Shirley Maclaine - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

Peor actor

Keanu Reeves - 47 Ronin
Jaden Smith - After Earth
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Escape Plan And The Last Stand
Adam Sandler - Grown Ups 2
Sylvester Stallone - Grudge Match, Bullet To The Head And Escape Plan
Robert Deniro - Grudge Match, The Big Wedding And The Family
Jason Statham - Homefront And Parker
Adrien Brody - Inappropriate Comedy
Ashton Kutcher - Jobs
Liam Hemsworth - Paranoia y Love And Honor
Vince Vaughn - The Internship And Delivery Man Owen Wilson - The Internship And Free Birds
Johnny Depp - The Lone Ranger
Ben Stiller - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

Peor actor secundario

Larry The Cable Guy - A Madea Christmas
Will Smith - After Earth
Chris Brown - Battle Of The Year
Taylor Lautner - Grown Ups 2
David Spade - Grown Ups 2
Nick Swardson - Grown Ups 2 And A Haunted House
James Franco - Homefront
Rob Schneider - Inappropriate Comedy
Mel Gibson - Machete Kills
Charlie Sheen - Machete Kills And Scary Movie 5
Harrison Ford - Paranoia And Ender"s Game
Ben Affleck - Runner Runner
William Fichtner - The Lone Ranger
Tom Wilkinson - The Lone Ranger
Armie Hammer - The Lone Ranger

Peor remake o continuación

A Good Day To Die Hard
Battle Of The Year
G.I. Joe: Retaliation
Grown Ups 2
Grudge Match
The Hangover Part III
Machete Kills
Scary Movie 5
Texas Chainsaw 3d
The Lone Ranger
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
The Smurfs 2

Peor guion

A Madea Christmas
After Earth
Escape Plan
Grown Ups 2
Inappropriate Comedy
Machete Kills
Movie 43
Scary Movie 5
The Big Wedding
The Call
The Host
The Lone Ranger
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

Peor director

Carl Rinsch - 47 Ronin
John Moore - A Good Day To Die Hard
M. Night Shyamalan - After Earth
Courtney Solomon - Getaway
Dennis Dugan - Grown Ups 2
Vince Offer - Inappropriate Comedy
The 13 People Who Directed Movie 43 - Movie 43
Robert Luketic - Paranoia
Malcolm D. Lee And David Zucker - Scary Movie 5
Tyler Perry - Temptation And A Madea Christmas
Justin Zackham - The Big Wedding
Andrew Niccol - The Host
Gore Verbinski - The Lone Ranger
Ben Stiller - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty


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