Desde la Fuerza Aérea de Canadá informaron que el choque del avión dejó un muerto y un herido. El aparato pertenecía a la patrulla acrobática, que desde hace unas semanas realiza maniobras de demostración para animar a los canadienses por la pandemia.
Un avión de la patrulla acrobática de la Fuerza Aérea de Canadá se estrelló este domingo en Columbia Británica, cuando realizaba maniobras de una operación lanzada a principios de este mes para animar a los canadienses durante la pandemia por la COVID-19.
A través de un mensaje en Twitter, la Real Fuerza Aérea Canadiense confirmó la caída del aparato y que uno de sus miembros falleció, mientras que otro resulto con heridas graves. Agregaron que estaban apoyando al personal de emergencia en la zona afectada.
"Lamentamos anunciar que uno de los miembros de las Canadian Forces Snowbirds falleció y uno resultó con heridas de gravedad. Podemos confirmar que ya hemos contactado a los principales familiares de aquellos involucrados”, dijeron.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce that one member of the CF Snowbirds team has died and one has sustained serious injuries. We can confirm that we have contacted all primary family members of those involved. More information will be communicated in the near future.
— Royal Canadian Air Force (@RCAF_ARC) May 17, 2020
Medios canadienses informaron, de acuerdo con la versión de testigos, que el avión chocó contra una casa poco después de despegar al final de la mañana desde el aeropuerto de Kamloops, junto con otro aparato.
Fotos publicadas por el periódico local Kamloops This Week mostraron restos del avión en llamas cerca de la casa, que se incendió parcialmente. Dicho medio indicó que el piloto logró eyectarse antes del accidente y logró aterrizar en el techo de una casa.
Los dos aviones debían sobrevolar Columbia Británica el domingo como parte de una gira denominada ‘Operación Inspiración’, lanzada para saludar los esfuerzos de los canadienses en respuesta a la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus.
La patrulla, apodada ‘Snowbirds’ y compuesta por nueve aviones que dejaban un rastro de humo blanco, había comenzado su gira en Nueva Escocia con el objetivo de volar sobre las principales ciudades del país, a baja altitud y de este a oeste.
...UPDATE...🙏🏼😢🙏🏼 unconfirmed reports that there were two pilots in the deceased, and one in critical condition 🙏🏼😢🙏🏼!!!...see news report below: ”The two residents of the home escaped without injury. Witnesses saw at least one pilot eject before the plane crashed. He landed on the roof of a house on nearby Schreiner Street and was rescued by Kamloops Fire Rescue. A witness told KTW a second person, a female, appeared to have succumbed to her injuries. Dana Hings is a retired nurse from New Westminster who is visiting her daughter in Brock. “We were in the garden and we heard a large crash,” Hings told KTW, noting they heard calls for medical help. Hings and her daughter rushed to the backyard of the home and found a person who appeared to be deceased. “I saw a deceased female with catastrophic injuries,” Hings said. “It looked like she hit a tree. It’s insane. It’s not supposed to happen. This [the Snowbirds tour] is supposed to be a good thing and she died.” The Royal Canadian Air Force released a statement at 12:54 p.m. on Sunday: “The RCAF has been made aware that a Canadian Forces Snowbirds aircraft crashed in the vicinity of Kamloops, B.C. Our priority at this time is determining the status of our personnel and supporting emergency personnel. When appropriate, more information will be made available." Cory Pelton was on Aviation Way, watching the planes, when he saw the crash and drove to the house the plane hit. “You could smell raw fuel everywhere. I ran into the backyard and, just as I jumped over the back fence, I saw the elderly couple coming out. I asked if there was anyone else in there or any pets and they said no, that’s it.” Source link: Snowbird plane crashed..both fuel tanks exploded...very tragic...very sad...I was at home and heard them take off and then heard two very loud explosions and new instantly that it was a plane...ran out to the patio and my son was there and saw it happen...there were two large plumes of smoke...(my son took a photo I’ll share here)...I ran to my car and went to try to help...I was worried the pilot might still be in the plane and that people may need help if it hit a house etc...I was there trying to help as were many others with fire extinguishers and hoses...then I heard the pilot wasn’t in the plane and people were out of the house, and so I moved back because the fumes from the fuel were very strong there was concern of possible more explosions, and the power lines down and the first responders and fire fighters then started to film the video...
Publicado por Jason Kyle Arnold en Domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020
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