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Facebook: cámara de seguridad muestra a mujer golpeando a su suegra

Video muestra caso de violencia contra una anciana
Video muestra caso de violencia contra una anciana | Fuente: Facebook: Kundan Srivastava

Mujer fue denunciada y está bajo investigación policial.

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Un video filmado en secreto por un hombre indio, que aparentemente muestra a su esposa golpear a su anciana madre, se ha vuelto viral en Facebook.

Este clip en la red social ha llevado a la policía a detener a la mujer. Sandeep Jain sospechaba que su esposa abusaba físicamente de su madre de 70 años de edad.

De acuerdo a la agencia AFP, el hombre instaló una cámara de circuito cerrado de televisión en el dormitorio de su madre, además declaró a la policía que pretendía coger Sangeeta Jain, su esposa, in fraganti.

El clip viralizado en Facebook por un activista llamado Kundan Srivastava muestra a Raj Rani Jain envuelta en una colcha en la cama cuando una mujer la ataca, golpeándola repetidamente y arrastrándola por el pelo.

Sangeeta Jain fue arrestada después de que su marido la denunciará ante la policía. Raj Rani Jain dijo a los periodistas que su nuera la abofeteó y la golpeó con piedras.

La policía ha iniciado una investigación a raíz de la publicación del video que ha ocasionado un fuerte debate en las redes sociales y muchos exigen que la mujer sea castigada severamente.

Sangeeta niega las acusaciones, alegando que el vídeo es fabricado, y acusa a su marido de tratar de perjudicarla.

El video fue colgado en Facebook y tiene más de 5 millones de vistas.


Sangeeta Jain has tried several time to kill her 70 years moth...

Sangeeta Jain has tried several time to kill her 70 years mother-in-law. You can see the video that I'm revealing today. The video captured on 05th January through CCTV which i advised to put hidden in room.[Help me to save my parents life, A Girl seeking my help for justice] Video captures cruel woman "Daughter-in-law" Sangeeta Jain W/o- Sandeep Jain, Resident of Nehtaur, Uttar Pradesh attacked her helpless sick mother-in-law. The cruel woman tried to kill her mother in law "Rajrani Jain" with Stone and Rope, she slaps her and then drags her down the bed. Her marriage has been 7 years and the divorce case is going on. She live in her husband's house forcefully and she is taking advantage of his goodness. 04th January in morning without the usual commotion she took place in the market and went to the police station to lodge a false report...and ignoring the fact, Police booked Sandeep Jain, and the woman is disturbing actual police sends her home back. She make the clothes noose around the neck of her mother-in-law and then hit on the head by a stone severely and had bled. Her cruelty was not over then she tried to give the current of water heating rod.Yet no action was taken by the police because these attack has done by a woman. Sangeeta Jain haunt her husband for false Dowry & Marital Rape cases. Sandeep Jain's sister took my help by raising her question to the Police, Administration, Society & Government, What safety deserve only "Daughter-in-law" NOT "Mother-in-law" ?????Strong laws were created for women but some women are misusing the laws. I would urge the Government of India to action against such women. I promise will help you into this cruelty and I also believe Crime has no Gender!!! ~Kundan SrivastavaCc to: Akhilesh Yadav

Posted by Kundan Srivastava on lunes, 11 de enero de 2016


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